Lead With Confidence & Predict Meeting Outcomes
Tap into your brains subconscious during every meeting:
‣ Measure your emotional fitness
‣ Know what others will remember
‣ Supercharge your leadership
Turn your Apple Watch into a real-time executive coach
- See how your brain is engaged in every meeting
- Learn how to engage those around you
- Know what people will remember and act upon during every meeting
Measure your Mind with your Apple Watch
Your Apple Watch is the key. Powered by Immersion, THEMINDING connects your daily calendar to deep neurological insights.
You Manage What You Measure
Isn't it time to start managing your own potential?With THEMINDING you can passively measure your brain's Immersion and Psychological Safety to predict the outcome of every meeting.It's neuroscience for leaders like you.
Real-time Insight
Know what your brain values and learn how to inspire confidence and action in those around you. See, second-by-second how your brain responds to a meeting, and learn how those around you will respond.
Used By Executive Coaches
As a coach, you can't sit through every meeting with your client and whisper in their ear about how they can be a better leader. With THEMINDING, your clients can passively measure their brain and share the results with you in each session.
Predict the Actions of Others by Measuring Yourself
Seriously. Immersion is contagious.With THEMINDING you can measure your own emotional state to predict the actions of others.We are used by break-through sales leaders every day to predict the likelihood of closing a deal just by measuring their own brain.What would you do differently if you could predict the outcome of a customer call with over 85% accuracy?
Someone You Know Is Already Measuring Their Meetings
If you had the chance to be the best version of yourself, would you pass it up?With THEMINDING leaders like you are building teams that consistently exceed their goals, solve big problems, and are changing the world.It's time to start minding your potential.
You've Got Questions
We get it. Measuring people's brains with an Apple Watch sounds crazy. Let's discuss a few of the top questions we get about THEMINDING.
How does this work?
Twenty years ago, the founders of Immersion started doing research on the connection between the chemical oxytocin in your brain and love, trust, and economic actions.By using some very sophisticated algorithms and science, Immersion found that they could use the sensors on the smart watches and fitness devices that most of us already wear to measure the physical changes that happen in your body when your brain releases dopamine and oxytocin. It is the release of these two chemicals into your body, that signals your brain is entering a state of ‘immersion’.Now, using this unique measure of immersion and psychological safety, our app can accurately predict human behavior to answer some really interesting questions, like:
- Will people remember this meeting?
- Will people change their behavior based on this conversation?
- How is my emotional fitness today?
- What could I do to improve my emotional fitness?
- What actions or activities actually make a difference to my mental state?
What about data privacy?
Your data belongs to you.
We do not share or sell your data.
Your brain data never leaves your phone.
We do not connect your brain data to an email address or personal information.If you want to share your emotional fitness with others, that is up to you.Read our detailed privacy policy for all the nitty-gritty.
How can you predict the outcome of a meeting by only measuring me?
It turns out that this state of high attention and high emotional value in your brain is contagious. The Immersion Team has proven that they can measure one person in order to predict the behavior of another person with over 85% accuracy.
Do I need an Apple Watch?
Yes. Today, THEMINDING only works with an Apple Watch, but we will add support for other smart watches and fitness sensors over time.
Are you a Coach?
Many executive coaches are using THEMINDING with their clients today. Reach out to us to get your own Coaches Club code that will give your clients a discount on the app subscription.
THEMINDING is powered by Immersion Neuroscience Inc, backed by 20 years of scientific research, and used by most of the brands you know to predict hits, measure live events, and ensure the emotional fitness of their teams.
© 2023 Immersion Neuroscience Inc. All rights reserved.